Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor Leopold Engleitner's Tireless Campaign for Tolerance and Peace in his 101st Year


Documentary on Engleitner’s 2006 USA Tour

$17.99 plus shipping and handling

In 1945, Leopold Engleitner (born 1905), survivor of the Buchenwald, Niederhagen and Ravensbrück concentration camps, was on the run from the Nazis as a conscientious objector. As one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, his conscience would not allow him to serve in Hitler’s army.

Then, already an old man, Engleitner, one of the world’s oldest concentration camp survivors, began an amazing new career recounting his own experiences to ensure the terror of that time is never forgotten. Sixty-one years after World War II ended and in his 101st year, he undertook a remarkable tour of lectures that took him clear across the United States.

At universities and Holocaust memorial sites in Washington, DC, New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles he emphasized the vital importance of tolerance and humanity to ensuring peace. He encouraged his listeners to base their lives on just principles. And in Sequoia and Grand Canyon National Parks dreams he had had since his youth came true...

Written, produced and directed by Bernhard Rammerstorfer
Running time: 50 mins.
Picture format: 16:9
Languages: English, German
Also available on Blu-ray Disc.

See programs and photos of the events in the USA!

If you want to place an order for the DVD, please click here.


last update: April 15, 2013
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